Transportation can be a nightmare. In fact, if I ran into a genie today, I know one of my wishes would be to have the ability to get home with only the snap of a finger. 'I want to go home' *snap* 'Yay, I'm home!' - doesn't it sound divine? Now I've toyed with the idea of having the *snap* get me anywhere I want, but sometimes its the journey that makes it all worthwhile and I don't want to lose out on that for always. Getting home however...I feel like you're always tiiiiired by the time you're headed home, the anticipation of the trip or the event has worn off and the 'all' that you gave the experience from which you are departing has left you will little to propel you to the comfort of PJs and a bed.
These sentiments regarding the hassle that is 'getting home' are exacerbated at a wedding, by the addition of alcohol. That's right. I'm laying it on the line, shooting you straight, letting the cat out of the bag....telling you the truth. The combination of merriment felt from guests watching two people they love join in the most sacred of ceremonies with a complimentary bar often leads to an excess of participation in the libations. As I said, people often drink at weddings.
Luckily (I think at least) our generation grew up in a DO NOT DRINK & DRIVE world. We saw the posters, we watched the videos in drivers ed and we even repeat the catchy one liners: Friends don't let friends drive drunk or stay alive, don't drink and drive. We get it, we know. And often we're choosing where we live so that public transportation is an option after HH. Or we organize rides to trade off being DD. We're throwing parties at house/apts and letting friends crash on the floor to avoid it. We are being responsible (everyone give yourself a little pat on the back!)
For all the reasons listed above, we knew that transportation for our guests to and from our wedding was going to be high on our priority list. Ash Lawn is one of the closer venues we looked at (as far as distance from downtown Cville), but we didn't want folks who planned to enjoy a few cocktails at our wedding to have to worry about that windy road back into town come 10pm.
Soooooo....we've booked some fabulous motor coaches to ship our guests from our hotel blocks to Ash Lawn and then back after the party is over (lets be real, the party will never be over...but it will at some point stop being at Ash Lawn). Javs and I have 5 different hotels where we have blocked rooms (go wahoos! beat those terps!) so we haven't figured out exactly how all the stops and comings and goings will work, but we've booked a vendor: Ambassador Limousine (which always feels like an accomplishment) and are confident that our UVA degrees will ensure we can work it out.
Having now been to a few friends weddings where transportation was provided, I can tell you how grateful I was to have one less thing to worry about when planning my trip/attendance (yes, I used to think that merely attending a wedding took planning and coordination). It'll also make this bride less worried about everyone getting home okay from our wedding, knowing that we provided a ride for a bunch of people (come on, you guys know I'm always the one that's like 'text me when you get home!'). So friends, save your worries for October 13th for the rain - your ride is covered! Don't make a fuss, hop on the bus! No?... Want to avoid roaches? Ride on the coaches! Still not?... how about: Lets all get excited, your ride is provided! Come on, I thought that one was good....Use your head! Take the motor coach instead...
I think I missed my calling...