Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thanksgiving and a Quick Trip Home

Nana did attend our wedding and we were lucky enough to get this photo of her with Kels and me. 
Part of the explanation for my hiatus from the blog occurred just before Thanksgiving.  My Nana had been declining over the past few months and passed away on Sunday November 23rd.  Saying goodbye to her before Javier and I moved was one of the hardest goodbyes I made because I was all but certain it would be the last time I saw her.  We were in close contact with my Mom and Dad in her last week, but it was still very difficult being away from home.  (I had a very different experience when my Grandmother passed away two years ago.)  Sometime in that last week, I started talking to Javier about the possibility of going home for the funeral we knew was imminent.  While I shouldn't be surprised by now (he is always the most supportive and thoughtful man) he assured me that he had always planned on me returning home to be with family during this difficult time.
Here is Nana looking beautiful and sassy as she was.
After Nana died, I quickly bought a ticket home (using miles) and anxiously created sub plans for the 4 days I would be gone (our school does not have Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving...for obvious reasons).  It was so wonderful to be with family over the next few days.  Kelsey and I had the opportunity to speak at the funeral, talking about Nana's love for Christmas (that included carols in her car in July), special sweet tea and evenings spent on her porch rocking and watching the cars go by.  She was such a special lady.

I also need to take a minute to acknowledge another sad loss for our family.  Kelsey and Scott's dog, Lily Mae (sometimes known as Pants), also passed away on Sunday November 23rd.  If you ever met her (and I bet most of you did....she was pretty portable), you know she was a truly special pup.  She fit in perfectly with our family through her love of food, sleep and good company.  She too will be incredibly missed.

Rushing home for the services allowed me to stay an extra day to spend Thanksgiving with the family.  It was so nice to get to see so much of my family in the hurried three days.  While I didn't get any pictures of typical fashion I was able to capture a few shots of the delicious food that we ate.
While it was so nice being home, I did feel guilty that Javier was spending his first Thanksgiving in Ecuador all alone!  School did provide a Thanksgiving potluck and half day on Thursday to help their expats celebrate a little bit!
All of this food was so yum-o, but my body is clearly getting used to Ecua cuisine because I had tummy troubles the entire time I was in the US.   (Fine in Ecuador, but bring me back to the US and my weak stomach can't handle it...)
In addition to chowing down, I also got to meet this lovely lady, Miss Elsie Mae,  during my hurried trip home.  She is even more sweet and adorable in person than in this picture if you can believe it!
When I returned, Javier and I hosted a little friends Thanksgiving! I put up a few decorations and Javier and I braved the turkey!
Here is our 'Give Thanks' banner with the gorgeous view of Pichincha in the background (it never get old)!
Our organic market had pumpkins!  That I used 1st as decoration and then later for soup!  (The leaves were provided by my loving sister who knew I missed them and had a bag ready for me when I arrived in the US!)
Once again, I neglected to get any pictures of humans, but managed instead to document the food that we ate.  Javier did a beautiful job carving the turkey! and all the sides our friends brought made for a delicious Thanksgiving meal!
Going home for a few days was incredibly hectic, but 100% worth it.  It was so comforting and important to spend time with my family.  Nana was such an important part of my life and I know I'll miss her so much.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Juegos Internos and Goofy Games at Colegio Menor

Merry Christmas and a heartfelt apology for the long hiatus to my dedicated readers.  The end of November got busy (I'll explain in a post in a bit) and I never seemed to catch up....but I'm back now and hope to quickly fill you in on all the shenanigans that have been happening in Quito because KELSEY AND SCOTT ARRIVE TODAY!!! And I know that means I'll have more shenanigans to fill you in on soon (Galapagos shenanigans!).

Here is a quick post to catch you up on some Colegio Menor events.  I know what you're thinking...does this school ever have just a school day (not a 'here's a bouncy slide and bunch of games and crazy dressed up nonsense' day....), but keep in mind we have 200 days of school to fit in.  (That's right...200 school days.  Which is a whole 20 more than is required for public schools in the we're fitting in some fun to maintain some sanity...)

I've included some pictures below from our Goofy Games day and Juegos Internos.  Goofy Games finished off our spirit week and consisted of....well...goofy games.   My 9th graders were competing against the 8th and 7th graders which made for a little pressure... 
Goofy Game #1 had two students from each grade eating as much watermelon as they could in 3 minutes.  It was messy.
Goofy Game #2 had 3 students from each grade listening to music that was played so that they could provide the next line of the song once the music stopped.  To add to the 'goofy' the student had to run to that crate of balloons, select one and pop it by sitting on it, before producing the next lyric to the song.  Quite entertaining.
Goofy Game #3 included an obstacle course (not that goofy right?).  But each student traveled through the course with another student riding their back (piggyback style) which made some of the obstacles more challenging.  (And from a teacher's perspective, more dangerous....I did not love this game)
But if I thought the piggyback obstacle course was bad....I was in for a shock with Goofy Game #4 - The Human Pyramid.  When my kids told me this was the last game, I was expecting a standard three man pyramid, but no.  Apparently points were awarded for 1) the number of people included in your pyramid and 2) its height.  I didn't get a picture of it, but that girl on the right does climb this human pyramid (to the top) and then proceeded to stand up on top of this human pyramid making the 9th grade's the tallest by far.  (I'll be adding this to my list of 'things that would never happen in a US school'...)
Some teachers got involved in Goofy Game #5 by beating egg whites for 3 minutes each (hoping to turn them into stiff peaks before time was up).  (Random, I know....and sort of.....goofy.)
While we didn't win every game, my 9th graders were victorious in the end.  (Which resulted in a trophy and this exuberant celebration on stage.)  I was so proud (and they refused to focus the rest of the day...)
Juegos Internos is an annual day of friendly competition between the upper school grades in basketball, volleyball and futbol.  It occurs on Saturday (this was our second Saturday of work so far....) but counts towards those lovely 200 days required.  Each grade designs and wears their own t-shirt for the day to help unify and build team spirit.  My students selected olive green for their shirt this year and then were disappointed when their camouflage design was not approved (because we are not a military school and administration did not feel comfortable with a class displaying that type of uniform).  But my kids, in their own sort of rebellion, wore camo head and arm bands for the day.
Here they are in the parade of teams that starts the day.
It was a really cool day and the kids (and teachers) got very into it.  (You can see Susanita on the right sporting her camo headband as a sign of unity for the 9th grade!)

My kids listening to opening remarks.
Colegio Menor's mascot is the spectacled bear (native to Ecuador) and the students had a competition to draw the school a new mascot.  The winner was revealed at Juegos Internos!
And here is our attempt at a group picture....a bit of a fail, but keep in mind I have almost 90 was never gonna happen.
I was in charge (someone used the word coach, but I will not because it doesn't seem accurate) of the basketball teams for the day.  My boys did well, beating the 7th graders by a mile, but losing a heartbreaker to the 8th graders in the end.  My girls kicked butt, massacring both 7th and 8th grade teams.  Overall, the 9th graders performed well, winning all of our volleyball matches and all but one soccer game.  I think they were most proud of their defiance of authority through their wardrobe selection.  Either way, I enjoyed the day supporting and rooting for my kiddos!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

La Mama Negra or (An Incredibly Inappropriate and Not Politically Correct Ecuadorian Festival)

Last Saturday Javier and I shared a bus with some friends to Latacunga for La Mama Negra festival and parade.  The origins and purpose of the festival are somewhat elusive, but I was able to track down two English blogs that describe the festival here and here. In short it combines some elements of Christianity with folklore about the city being saved from a volcanic eruption by a black slave woman.  And it results in a day long parade of dancers, bands, cross-dressers, spitters (I'll explain in a bit) and culminates when the mayor of Latacunga arrives in full blackface and feminine attire.  It sounds crazy and that's exactly what it was....kind of crazy.  We had planned on it being a bit out of control after most of the teachers who had attended last year declined the invitation of a second visit with comments like, 'I think it's a once in a lifetime' or 'seeing it once was enough...'  

With that in mind, I did not bring my camera, for fear of losing it or having it stolen.  That said, I did bring my phone and attempted to capture the colorful debauchery of the day.  I hope my pictures are worth a 1000 words (because I think it might take that many to really capture the scene and experience of the day....).
Park in the center of Latacunga
It's really not a tourist town, but was still very beautiful.  It meant that we got a lot of notice and attention at the parade as clear foreigners.
These are guaguas de pan.  They are little bread babies usually filled with cheese, jam or chocolate.  They are used primarily in the celebration of the Day of the Dead, but were still out and extravagantly dressed in Latacunga.
This is Galo (left) our regular school bus driver and chaperone for the day.  He is from Latacunga and offered to drive us to the festival.  Then there is Ben (right), the only returning festival attendant of our group, who is also very blond.
If I haven't mentioned it, I should...we were warned that during the parade, many performers would be carrying bottles of liquor that they would 'share' with audience members as they walked by.  This is us purchasing some fried street food in preparation for our liquid intake for the day.
Here is our little group!  Galo and Javier negotiated a bargain price of $3.50 to have some reserved seats 1) up on some risers for better viewing and 2) under a tarp which meant shade, which is very important when spending a full day out in the Ecuadorian sun.
Unlike parades I've witnessed in other countries, this one included mobs of people standing on and sometimes in the street so that the role of performer and spectator where constantly blending.  This is a picture of the policing attempting to clear the street before the start of the day....good luck guys.
Here is a group of men, all in panchos, parading down street.  You can also see the folks on the roof across the street that purchased heightened seating as well.
Here was my first treasure of the festival.  The performers were throwing out candy, cookies, and fruit into the crowd.  It's also tradition to pass out ornaments of the five main characters of the legend: the Moorish King, the Angel of the Star, the Sergeant, the Captain of the Guard and the Mama Negra. 
Javier did a great job and was able to snag TWO ornaments for our Christmas tree: Mama Negra (the one I really wanted) and the Moorish King (we think).
Have I mentioned yet that almost ALL of the men are dressed in drag?  Again, this was never really explained to us, but we think relates back to the virgin that saved the town from the volcano?
In addition to dancers, bands and the men in drag, it's common to see these full-sized, gutted pigs being paraded down the street.  Javier spoke to a man who explained that the men who carry each pig on their back actually volunteer and count it as penance for them and their family for the year.  We guessed each pigs weighed about 300 pounds. 
Here is one of the main characters; we think the Angel of the Star (but who really knows.)
While we spent a lot of time in the safety comfort of our shady spot on the bleachers, we also wanted to have a bit of the street experience too.  As I said, the line between spectator and performer was constantly blurred as in this photo when Javier was pulled into a dance group by this woman.
In addition to the 300 pound pig, there were chickens, guinea pigs (or cuy, a traditional Ecuadorian cuisine), cigarette cartons and bottles of liquor attached to each pig.  This one was also decked out in Ecuador's flag.  (We've been told that after being out in the sun all day, these animals will be cooked the following day for a feast shared by the entire city).
Here we are with a pig carrier.  They usually had attendants giving them water and carrying a stand that they would rest the pig on for a break throughout the parade. 
Granted the parade did start at 10 and lasted until 3-ish, but I was still surprised at how often performers stopped for pictures, to grab drinks or get the audience involved in the show.
As I said, Latacunga doesn't see a lot of tourists and Ben's blond hair makes him particularly obvious so he got a lot of attention throughout the day; both with the performs and in this case the media.
Lots of beautiful and colorful costumes seen throughout the day!
Here is another character (I think the Sergeant or Captain?).  It seems like they typically ride horses to keep themselves a bit above the chaos occurring in the street. 
Here is the other part of the festival that I haven't mentioned....throughout the parade and day these folks dressed in all white would pull members of the audience into the street to be blessed.  Here are Ben and Javier being blessed. 
The blessing is conducted through a series of rituals: the costumed blessers dance a little circle around those being blessed.
As they circle, they rub antlers (I don't know why?) and branches of eucalyptus all over the person being blessed.  Sounds reasonable (sort of).
But the they also have a member in charge of taking a mouthful of water (or something alcoholic, like aguardiente) and spitting it all over those that are in the middle of the circle.  I don't know where the spitting comes in, or what it does, but it was obviously an important part of the day.  Then the blessers often offer the recently blessed a sip of whatever alcohol they are carrying and you tip them with a coin (whatever you have) from your pocket.
We've been told that staying away from street food improves our chances of avoiding illness and parasites, but it seemed to be the best option at Mama Negra so we took a chance and had some chugchucaras, and mashed potatoes.  Essentially it includes pork three different ways, corn 2 different ways, and a plantain and mote (boiled hominy). It was delicious. 
And here is the big finale: the Mama Negra "herself."
She comes riding down the street, holding her baby dolls and squirting milk into the crowd.  (Remember this is actually a man, usually the mayor of Latacunga).  While this signified the end of the parade, it didn't necessarily signify the end of the party from what we could see...
Overall, we really enjoyed the experience.  It was certainly crazy and included many sights I had never seen before, but we never felt unsafe.  I think having seats on the bleachers also helped a lot because we could take ourselves out of the craziness and participation on the street.  If you are ever in Ecuador, I'd agree that it is definitely worth a visit to Latacunga for La Mama Negra, but I may also agree that it is a once in a lifetime experience.  We were both spit on blessed and caught our Mama Negra ornaments, so it seems our participation was a success!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Our First Trip to Mindo

Last weekend we shared a taxi with another couple to the quaint tourist town of Mindo.  I aptly titled this post 'our first....' because Mindo quickly made our 'we have to go back' list.    We were looking forward to the cloud forest getaway and celebrating our first non-group trip in Ecuador.

We stayed at Cabana Armonia which was just an easy few blocks off of the main street in town.  We had our own little cabana complete with front porch and hammock!
Some fresh and exotic flowers were ready to greet us when we arrived.
A fine little bathroom (complete with hot water which is never a guarantee in Ecuador).
We had room to house two more with the bunk beds, but were fine cuddling up in the double bed that was available.
Our little spot in Mindo, complete with a hammock.
Mostly we spent a lot of QT out on our porch, one in the hammock and the other sitting beside, watching the birds and butterflies the roamed the vegetation of our hostel.
Our cabanas were set among an orchid garden that we were able to tour (for free!) with the purchase of our room.  I had no idea that orchids are native to Ecuador or of the variety of orchids that exist beyond the heavily marketed and sold orchids that you see in the store.
Each orchid was so different, but they all maintained that familiar upside shape that you'd recognize from your store-bought flowers.
These turn their leaves bright pink.
Many of the orchids grew right on the leaves of their plant, apparently pretty common among this type of flower.
This one smelled SO much like cloves, that I went back to sniff it again after our initial tour.  Amazing!
This one isn't native to Ecuador, but reminded us most of the orchids you might find in the States.
On our first afternoon we decided to go for a hike to see some waterfalls.  To get to the trails we had to take the tarabita over a rather large valley.  It was a quick, but terrifying trip over the gorge (and good practice for our planned ziplining adventure for the next day).
Our view from the tarabita....headed into the great, green unknown.

We had to hold on to our hats so that they didn't go flying off into the gorge!
The hike was pretty easy and super beautiful.  We opted for the path that would take us to 6 smaller waterfalls rather than the hour long trek to the one large waterfall.  We documented each of the waterfalls we found.
Numero uno.
We were impressed with the rustic, but well-maintained trail: like these steps that were carved into a tree to get us to the next waterfall.
Double falls for number tres.
Also, I picked up some burr friends on my hat as we walked.
Numero cuatro. (Impressed with my Spanish yet?)
This was as close as could get to numero cinco without getting wet ourselves.
The last one, seis, had a big pool that some folks were wading in but the water was freezing so this is as wet as we got.
Our cabanas had hummingbird feeders out in their breakfast area so we had entertainment with our meal.  It's hard to catch a hummingbird on camera, but after many attempts I was able to document a few for you!
Can you see the little guy buzzing to the left of the feeder? Hummingbirds are everywhere in Ecuador, but we're not sick of seeing them yet.  It's fascinating to watch them fly around!
Our ziplining adventure was a complete success! Javier even tried the 'Superman' pose (head first) after going on a few ziplines.  I too tried the 'Superman' and the 'Mariposa' (butterfly) which meant riding a ziplne upside down.

Ziplining professionals.
After ziplining, we took a ride to the butterfly house.  It actually reminded us both of one of our first dates back in DC.  The Natural History museum had a butterfly exhibit about 6 years ago that Javier took me to during our wooing times.  It was so beautiful and so fun to see all the butterflies. There were hundreds flying around and perched in the hot, sweet-smelling garden.
They collect all the cocoons and hang them here to hatch.

Then freshly hatched butterflies wait for their wings to dry before flying off into the garden.
These banana stations were set up all over the garden so that visitors could take some banana to attract a butterfly.
I was immediately on board with the 'feed the butterflies' idea and got this little guy to sit on my finger for a bit.
And then my shoulder....he didn't want to leave!  I guess my hostessing skills translate well into the butterfly world...
Javier was being picky about which butterfly he wanted to feed, but eventually was satisfied with this guy. (They're called owl butterflies because of the dot/eye you see on the bottom of their wings.)
It was a gorgeous garden and super fun to walk around, watching the butterflies.
We ate some good food while in Mindo, too!  We befriended a man who owned a quinoa restaurant.  Everything he offered was made out of quinoa, including the quinoa pudding that we ate.
Javier waiting for quinoa pudding and ice cream.
I know it sounds strange, but it actually worked well!
We also stopped by the chocolate store for the brownies we'd heard about prior to our visit. They did not disappoint.  Did I mention we ate both the quinoa pudding and brownies prior to our dinner?
The brownies and scoop of ice cream were both HUGE, but super rich and delicious!
We also spent our last night at a Frog Concert at another hostel just outside of town.  The hostel has built the perfect environment for frogs and takes visitors on a late night tour, looking for frogs and other creepy, crawly things.  We were lucky enough to see some cool stuff (including a spider the size of my palm) but I couldn't help but wonder which of these nighttime creatures were potentially crawling into our cabana as we were on our tour....

We got to see most of the Mindo highlights but are already looking forward to the next time we visit.  The town was small and perfect for a weekend getaway.  We were happy that it offered lots of fun entertainment and such a laid-back atmosphere, good for some relaxing as well. We're looking forward to bringing some visitors from home to the town to experience its character and charm!