Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happiest of all the Holidays to you!

Readers - wedding planning has taken a backseat to holiday prepping these past couple days! (as it absolutely should) However, this was our first Christmas living together in our new, little home so I thought I would share some lovely photos of us (mostly Javs) decorating :)

This is Javs holding our tree on top of the car. (We got it at a little community garden spot just a few blocks from our apartment - which is why we thought only tying one end of it to the car would be was not.)
Oh, did I mention that it was pouring rain on the night we got the tree? Which is why Javs is using his jacket to block the open window in the first pic and why our tree is parked at the bottom of our stairs in the second. Logan (our tree) need to dry off a bit (as did our shoes) before coming upstairs.

Don't worry - I did ensure that we had the proper, festive meal for the occasion: Papa Johns and eggnog. As you can see - we basically finished off both.

Unpacking Christmas decorations went much the way unpacking our belongs did when we first moved in. Javs would take something out of the box - hold it up and ask 'Where does this go?' But eventually he got into!

And after such an exhausting evening - rewarded himself with a brew.

Actually the apartment turned out pretty adorable if I do say so myself. I love mostly that my tree has a light-up angel (thanks sis!) and that you can see it from the street :)

I hope that each of you has a joyous holiday. Joy is not a word used often, except during this season, but it seems to fit perfectly. Although I'm busy and certainly stressed - I'm just so happy to spend this holiday with the ones I love.

We'll get back to wedding stuff next week ;)

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