I've been talking to some brides lately and its a little funny - you start planning with lots of grand and unique ideas. And some of them certainly work out, but you reach a point in the search for some vendors or with some projects where you're happy to take the option that will provide the least amount of stress- regardless of how it fit with your original vision or plan. I'm most excited that I feel so confident that Harvest Moon will deliver a yummy meal to my guests while causing little to no stress for me! = win!
Okay the post - Javier and I are having our engagement pictures taken this Saturday. YAY! We are really excited to have Andrea and Brian up to our apartment in Logan Circle for some lunch and catching up. Then we'll take some (hopefully not too awkward) pictures in the first apartment we shared together and our fun surrounding neighborhood. I'll tell you all about it once they actually happen, but this week has been filled with little 'to dos' to get ready for Saturday. Javier dropped off some clothes at the dry cleaners that we think we want to wear, we hung a new mirror in our dining area, I got some cute boxes to put on the shelves to hide our DVD collection, etc. etc.
(This is really a story I'm somewhat telling on myself because it was totally my fault and once again proves that Javier is one of the most tolerant men in the world...)
I don't wear a ton of makeup. I've actually been wearing less and less 1) the longer I work at Cvent and 2) the longer I've dated Javs (he's not big on the make-up-y look). But I know that for photos, it will be important that I'm wearing enough/the right make up so I show up and look purdy.
So, I've been doing some research on my wedding blogs for photo-ready make up tips. Most of the brides suggest having your make up trial done on the day of your engagement pictures so that you can have it professionally done. Well a) our pictures are being taken in DC and the wedding is in cville so whoever is doing my make up day of is probably in cville this Saturday too and therefore can't do a trial and 2) who would be pulled together enough to know who they'd want to do their make up at this point in planning. - so not an option for me.
Which means I'm doing it myself! And luck for me - WeddingBee has started a 'Helpful Series' where they re-post blogs that other brides found to be particularly helpful....including this one on doing your own make up!
Wedding Bee's Helpful Series http://www.weddingbee.com/2011/12/29/helpful-series-ace-your-face-pt-1/
So I have been following Mrs. Rainbow's suggestions to a T, purchasing all the needed supplies for my at home foundation work. Well my lunchtime shopping trips were filling up fast so Javs offered to pick up two items for me! 1) some new face wash from whole foods and 2) my monistat chafing gel from CVS.
If you didn't pause to read Mrs. Rainbow's foundation tutorial you might be confused. Chafing gel? Awkward....and an over share. But correct - I asked Javs to get me this chafing gel as part of my make-up plan for the day. I started reading up on it and apparently lots of women are turning to Monistat's chafing gel for use as a make up primer over more expensive options (it has the same ingredients!)
More info on Monistat Chafing Gel as Makeup primer (cause you know you're curious) http://review-monistat-face-primer.uncensoredguides.com/
After Jav's offer to grab some items on his lunch I hastily texted the name of each product and felt relieved marking two more items off the 'to do' list. Well, I really should have warned him that I was asking him to buy a somewhat awkward product from CVS, but in my haste didn't mention it. - first oops! On top of that, my phone auto-corrected (dreaded auto-correct!) Monistat to something completely unrecognizable. -second ooops!
So there is poor Javs - showing the CVS salesman the product he is diligently looking for that his bride to be specifically texted him. The CVS guy doesn't recognize it (of course - it doesn't exist) so Javs calls me at work for clarification. So I'm here, at my little exposed cubicle answering my cell phone.
'Hey Fiance!' Me.
'Hey babe, what was it you wanted me to get at CVS? I can't read your text,' Javs.
'Uhhh...' Me. How do you say Monistat Chafing Gel quietly at your desk?
So I get up and walk out to the hall to name the product. And noooooooow the awkwardness hits me. Ooops!
'Its Monistat Chafing Gel. Yeah like Monistat. Mmmhmmm-exactly! Guess I should have warned you! Oooops....' Me.
Well of course, neither Javs nor the CVS man could find the product (of course!). They're looking among the, ehem, other Monistat products. I suggest to look in lotions. Its no where. So Javs leaves - defeated. But only momentarily because the kind CVS man continued the search and found my much needed chafing gel! He was even kind enough to run out of CVS and catch Javs walking down the street to let him know he found what Javier had been searching for :)
(Can everyone just take a minute to picture Javs walking down P St being chased by a man waving Monistat Chafing Gel high above his head in victory - hahahha)
So Javs went back into CVS to pay for my Monistat. Victory! Needless to say - I owe my fiance a big one! But now I have my supplies and am ready to try tackling my foundation. I'm going to do a trial run tonight to make sure I'm happy with it. I'll upload pictures if the chafing gel turns my face blue :)
im dying. and tell me how this works because i have never heard of such a thing?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteUMMMM ok so when you first mentioned this, I thought it was the same tutorial I read back when it was published.
ReplyDelete....I definitely have monistat chafing gel hidden in my medicine cabinet. I've always been too intimidated to try it! I'm dying to see how it goes.
Hahahaha..this is an amazing story. And Kels, I love that you have the gel too!
ReplyDeletethis is HYSTERICAL hahahhahahah OH MY GOSH that is too funny.
ReplyDeletePoor Javier...