Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lets get real....

Readers, I have to be honest with you.  I started this blog because I thought it would be a great way to document our planning process.  I hoped it would be a great thing to look back on and to help me remember all the details.  I also thought (knowing I'm somewhat stress/worry prone) that it might be a good outlet for me if needed.  Well, I think we've done a great job using it to keep you guys (and my future forgetful self) updated, and sure, I've thrown in some thoughts and emotions throughout, but this post includes no updates.  In reality, there aren't a lot of updates to share, thus the purpose of this post....

Javs and I are in a wedding planning slump.  We've hit a lull and we're having some trouble yanking ourselves out of it.
The Slowskys from the
Xfinity commericals
It happened earlier in our planning; right after we booked the big vendors, but before we hit the ground running on the smaller (but still important) vendors, i.e. florist, transportation, etc.  We came out of that haze with our feet running and were super productive for a month or so, but I've felt our productivity dwindling since then.  Recently, it feels like The Slowskys could beat us in a wedding planning race to productivity. 

Sure, I'm still emailing vendors and we're both doing some research.  Next on the to-do list that we're in the process of working out, but just can't seem to solidify: 1) ceremony music.  We've been in touch with Sam Hill Entertainment about having a guitarist play for our ceremony.  We've listened to three guys, they're all great and could all play the song I want to walk down the aisle to, but for some reason we keep shuffling our feet on pulling the trigger.  2) Invitations.  Ohhhhhh invitations. Man I'm in love with Javier.  When I came home from work yesterday, he had a list of his favorite invitations from the websites I had given him to start looking at.  He is the most involved and devoted groom I know.  And I know he often participates cause he knows how much it means to me.  He is awesome.  Oh. but we still haven't picked invitations.  3) Hair/Makeup for me and the ladies on the big day.  I have been emailing salons for over a month.  It doesn't help that most take forever to get back to me (and often don't include all the information I asked for in their response).  In addition, the quotes we're getting are coming in a wee bit higher than we thought to be reasonable. 

I have to preface this video by saying that my dad (and mom) have been unbelievably wonderful about all things wedding.  They've let me and Javs take the lead on decisions and continually agreed to go over 'budget' on items that they know we really want.  But when I shared some of the salon prices with them both, my dad said he couldn't help but feel he had reached his George Banks Hot Dog Bun moment: (this was one of the movies that we watched as a family over and over again growing up.  Ever since he mentioned this scene I've desperately wanted to watch the movie...I bet I have a different perspective this time....either way - this scene is hilarious!)

Needless to say, I emailed two more salons yesterday and have fingers and toes crossed :)

I also know we're slacking because my Iphone camera roll is usually chocked full of wedding related documentary so that I can provide visuals for my update posts.  Check  out some of Iphone pics I see before getting to even one wedding related pic...
my engagement ring while I'm driving
embarrassing that I took this pic?
maybe a little, but it looks awesome
so i had to take a pic and show Javs
(okay, maybe slightly wedding related)
Cvent was building excitement about
an acquisition announcement
(that came out today)
but I didn't realize this so I took a pic
and asked Alexa & Jo if they knew
what all this was about?
whose my crowd?

Daddy-o's hot new ride :)
(that he let both me and javs drive!)

watching Mom try to guess my 'swan'
in drawsome, but LOOK!
there is no 's' - FAIL drawsome
This procrastination is completely reminding me of college (not that I ever procrastinated in college Mom & Dad...).  But there are a lot of similarities.  You know, that feeling that there are 192873 things that you should be doing every time you walk in the door at home.  Read a chapter for tomorrow : just decide on your ceremony readings.  Start that paper that's due next Wednesday : check out that new invitation site you saw on Green Wedding shoes today.  Email your group to meet this weekend : schedule your hair trial.  There is always something.  But sometimes you just go to $2 pitcher night instead.  Sometimes you watch 2 hours of How I Met your Mother streaming on Netflix.  It happens.  I still graduated and I'm sure our wedding will still get planned.

...but I graduated because I would eventually (however so late) buckle down and get it done.  So here's to hoping that writing this post (and whatever little pushes it results in from our reader audience) will be what we need to hit the ground running, buckle down and get some planning done!


  1. Ok, Scott and I just watched that clip and I swear it was just as hilarious as the first time I watched it. Oh, Steve Martin...

    I agree that it's a #FAIL DrawSomething....but really? Hang? Does mom have some agenda against graceful birds that we don't know about?

    And finally - to the real point - everyone hits a lull. But I think things are going to start to pick up very VERY soon because you'll really start to feel excited that it's getting so close! FUN THINGS will be happening soon :)

  2. NOT embarrassing to take a picture of your ring (PS it looks AWESOME!!!) -- I still take pictures from time to time of my rings, hahhahah
    and, your dad's new car looks excellent. how did it driiiiiive???? :)
