Friday, November 18, 2011

Click, Click, Click listen to it. Its NKOTB. Its good.

Photography. Its our next conquest.

Whats that you say? We still don't have a date? or venue? - pish posh. (Well actually yes that is true, but we think after this weekend we'll have both!) So we're gazing longingly into the next realm of wedding planning for the joy and excitement that comes with the next steps in the process. And I want some really good pictures of the day :)

I know I keep saying it (and reminding others to say it), 'its just one day,' but in reality it is an important day. And certainly one where the pictures will last. College friend readers, remember when we'd have that epic night where it just seemed that we got some really good pictures. And those pictures would last forever and pop up everywhere. (I'm looking at the Jamie's bday night pic pre-wahooptie on my desk right now. And then that random night when we all wore black and white and took pics in front of the fireplace. I don't even remember what we did that night? but those pictures...they show up...on the frig, in frames on dressers...they're around)

Anyways, I'm sure the rest of you know take a really good pic with your significant other and you want to print it and then make it your FB pic and then maybe your parents want a copy, etc, etc...and then its like this living thing that lasts waaaaaaay more than a day.

That's what these wedding pictures will be. They'll be the thing that can (and will) make this day last for us.

And you guys know me. After college I really started trying to take more pictures. (I think the line in Avenue Q's 'I wish I could go back to college' scared me into it.)

So this brings me to the real reason for my post (which has nothing to do with advice or philosophy) but it is something I'm noticing more and more on the wedding blogs: the awkward wedding pics. They're hilarious and bound to happen (probably to me too), but I'm sure you guys have been noticing them too. Here are two I stumbled across just today.

Tell me that it does not look like this man is handcuffed and being escorted to the altar. Sure he has a big, goofy grin on and that lovely tux complete with little yellow boutonniere, but all I see is an arrest.

And maybe he only stood this way for a second. Heck, his buddy standing up there with him probably only had his hand on his shoulder for a brief 'hey man, this is it' kind of encouraging shake. But captured by that photographer - this moment reads: I'm being forced into this.

Its kind of hilarious.

And this one. There is no way those two girls on the left are looking at anything other than the monstrosity hanging around that bride's neck. That 'look natural, like you're hanging out and smiling at the beautiful bride' turned a little too natural. (cause we all know we'd probably stare at it too.)

Anyways, regardless of the photographer we select I'm sure Javier and I (and our closest friends) are sure to guarantee some awkwardness caught on camera - something to look forward to after the big day.

If you find any good (and by that I mean quality or ridiculous) photos or photographers - feel free to send them my way!

PS - there was apparently a trend to take a pic with the groom peering from under the bride's dress...what do we think? on our 'must click' list?


  1. Second jamie's comment, love those pics you're talking about. I'm sure your wedding pics will turn out even better than those gems :)
