Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A hunting we will go...

...for a wedding venue that is! And I certainly do mean hunting.

Who would have thought that other brides & grooms might have considered Cville in the fall a more than picture perfect location for their nuptial bliss?

Javier and I had talked about getting married/the wedding prior to last week (I know...gasp) so we had already talked about cville being our first target for the big day. After some disappointing calls to some of the top (and by top I mean most well known) wedding venues, we're heading to cville this weekend with a new outlook and new plan. Veritas, King's Family, Pippin Hill (new vineyard), Castle Hill, Panorama and Barboursville (look em up if you don't know them, but don't bother sharing all the oohs and ahhs with me...I know they're gorgeous...that's why they were my first choices) are all booked for every Saturday in September and October of 2012. All. Booked.


I know.

(hence the hunting)

Have no fear, my spectacular spectators. We took a day to mourn (and by we I mean me and by a day I mean about a day and a half) and have regrouped with a new plan. Unbelievably, there are other wedding venues in cville and they are not completely booked for next fall! So we embark on our crusade with open hearts and pens in hand (for signing that contract) this Sunday.

I'll keep you posted, but until then, may the scent of your prey be pungent and the feet of your hounds swift :)


  1. Hahah aud you crack me up. Good luck!!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes :)

  2. i may or may not check this at least once a day for an update :)
