Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hola! Me llamo Audrey Cabezas...

...or at least that's what I can say when Javier and I arrive in CHILE for our honeymoon :)

I figured since Javs' post left so many questions, I should provide our readers with some concrete, down and dirty details (to keep their interest).

I think I'm also supposed to be providing some sort of advice or philosophical thoughts on the blog, right? I mean that's why I'm eating up Style Me Pretty and WeddingBee......and Ruffled and Wedding Chicks...and JuneWeddingBug.... but anyways, I'll start sharing some of the great wisdom I'm sure I'm gaining from this experience :)

I guess our honeymoon came about because of our priorities.

**Advice Alert** - Make sure you and your better half know what your priorities are for the big day and after :)

One of our biggest priorities is family & friends! Javs said it in his post, we're willing to pass on dream wedding venues cause they're too small. Lord knows we have some of the best family and friends around so having everyone show up to celebrate is important :)

Our honeymoon locale did not make the priority list. I mean of course we want to go some place fun, beautiful, relaxing, exciting, etc etc, but there were many places that Javier and I named to fit that bill.

So when Mrs. Cabezas suggested a post-nuptial pilgrimage to the homeland for some Chilean family celebrating - we jumped at the idea! We had already been struggling with how to include this portion of the family in our day without it costing an arm and a leg for anyone. Now, we're going to 1) get to see so many of the Cabezas clan and 2) get to go to an amazingly awesome place for our honeymoon!! We're hoping Javier's cousin will help with some of the planning for a small reception for the family when we arrive! So we'll spend a few days in Vina Del Mar - soaking up some Cabezas love - and then head to some of the volcanoes and lakes for which Chile is known to do some newlywed relaxing.

Priority + family = Chile honeymoon :)

so no venue, no date - but boy are we starting to plan that vacation. What does that say about our priorities....

Hasta la vista!

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