Thursday, December 22, 2011
Happiest of all the Holidays to you!
This is Javs holding our tree on top of the car. (We got it at a little community garden spot just a few blocks from our apartment - which is why we thought only tying one end of it to the car would be was not.)
Oh, did I mention that it was pouring rain on the night we got the tree? Which is why Javs is using his jacket to block the open window in the first pic and why our tree is parked at the bottom of our stairs in the second. Logan (our tree) need to dry off a bit (as did our shoes) before coming upstairs.
Don't worry - I did ensure that we had the proper, festive meal for the occasion: Papa Johns and eggnog. As you can see - we basically finished off both.
Unpacking Christmas decorations went much the way unpacking our belongs did when we first moved in. Javs would take something out of the box - hold it up and ask 'Where does this go?' But eventually he got into!
And after such an exhausting evening - rewarded himself with a brew.
Actually the apartment turned out pretty adorable if I do say so myself. I love mostly that my tree has a light-up angel (thanks sis!) and that you can see it from the street :)
I hope that each of you has a joyous holiday. Joy is not a word used often, except during this season, but it seems to fit perfectly. Although I'm busy and certainly stressed - I'm just so happy to spend this holiday with the ones I love.
We'll get back to wedding stuff next week ;)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
A party for the bride!
Support is important during this process. There are a lot of decisions to be made and details to think out and its nice to have people that have your back; people that can help you keep your day a reflection of you; people that can have a reasonable, outside perspective when its needed and people you're close enough with to say 'I don't want your opinion right now' and know will still love you!
Enter bridal party.
That's right! In addition to some wedding dress shopping, I asked my bridesmaids to join in the celebration 'officially' this weekend!
ISABEL! Javier and I are so excited that Isabel has kindly agreed to be one of my bridesmaids! In the middle of finishing up her junior year, applying for colleges and starting her senior year, Isabel is going to help us plan a wedding :) I'm excited about the young, fresh, (okay, with-it) perspective that she is going to bring to my ideas. In addition to being my future sister-in-law, I think its great that someone who has known Javier even longer than I have will be involved with some of the girlie details. She'll help make sure they day is a reflection of both of us! She also has a good strong opinion that she is willing to share: As we got shopping, I pulled one of the first dresses from the wrack and asked 'Isabel, what do you think?' Her response: 'I think it looks trashy.' Let's just say I put that dress back...
JESSICA! Who better to ask to be in my wedding than my first (and only) wifey? In addition to sharing our childhood and college years, Jess and I had the unique opportunity of living together through those transformation years; from college student to 'real person.' It took a while (hell I'm still working on it) and it was ugly at times (i.e. melting plastic in the oven) but she was there through it all. Which means this whole wedding planning thing will be a cinch. She's also willing to challenge me when I need it and will let it go when I refuse her advice. She was an amazing support during our courtship and will help make the day a culmination of where Javier and I have come from and an extension to where we're going. So excited to have her standing up there with me!
KELSEY! My sister and Matron of Honor is none other than Mrs. Kelsey Bottoms. You all know that she is not only my sister, but my best friend. We really are lucky to have each other and to have had the chance to live so close. I had such a blast helping her out with her wedding a few years back. (She set some pretty tough, non-bridezilla shoes to fill.) Mostly, I value her opinion only slightly higher than Javier's ;) I kid, I kid, but she does have great tastes. My whole life she has been such an amazing big sister to me and so selfless when it came to my happiness. She also sets a great example for me by finding joy in every day. I have a tendency to get stressed and I hope I get to enjoy my wedding day without letting the stresses get in the way. I know she'll be a big part of ensuring that happens. Oh, and Javier loves her too.
The four of us went to a delicious brunch (I would highly recommend Fontaine's in Alexandria if anyone is looking for a good brunch spot!). I had made each of them a little card asking them to be a part of the wedding and explaining why I wanted them to be there not only on the day, but during the process. It wasn't fancy but I hope will be something each can keep a) to remember me by when we're no longer friends b/c the wedding planning ripped us apart or b) as a memento from that awesome Staples/Cabezas wedding they got to be a part of. They each also go at little pocket mirror (a gift idea I got from Javier's cousin, who gave me one that I use all the time!) to keep them as purdy on the outside as the in. Mostly I know that being a bridesmaid is a lot of work; time, money and strength (fighting that bridezilla) and wanted to show each that I really do appreciate them taking me...I mean the wedding on!
So, I have maids! Of the bridal variety anyway and look forward to working with each as we continue planning! Thanks again ladies for agreeing to be part of the day :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Good things come to those who wait
You guys know the end of that story, but I'm still weaseling the rest of the back story out of Javs. Like that he started looking a long time ago.
-That he stole my rings back in the spring when I forgot them one day (one of two times I have forgotten them in the 3 years we've been dating) to learn what size I was. (I've found out since then that my pearl ring was actually bent and the jeweler straightened it out for me for free while Javs was getting it sized...never noticed.)
-I've seen a value audit dated back in July and asked 'you had it in July?!!?' - somewhat accusingly.
-He's described to me the stress he felt picking a size (even after using my rings as a starting point) because he wanted it to slip on so perfectly in that moment.
-That he hugged the man he bought the ring from when he finally got to pick it up (which, I know, sounds very Javs because he is such a hugger, but still).
-That his mom was actually the one to suggest the shop where he bought it because his father had shopped there a long time ago.
Just some of the details I've learned of a whole story he experienced that I didn't even know about.
I give Javs a hard time about not being much of a planner - whoops. He planned so much and bought the most expensive thing we own as a gift...for me. And I love it. And I love that people look at it and say it 'looks like me.'
(I went wedding dressing shopping for one day and whined to him that I needed his help! and wanted to talk about the dresses - don't worry he's not interested and wants to be suprised.)
But he planned a really big and really fun surprise for me for months! And on Oct 1st all I was thinking was 'hurry up and buy it, how hard could it be? we need to get planning!' - man do I need to work on those patience.
But I'm so glad he took the time, so glad he planned it out and so glad I haven't wanted to take it off since it slipped perfectly on my finger.
Good job Javs :) Love you :)
**Advice Alert** Learn to have patience. Good things come to those who wait.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Out of this world....
Thank you all for the kind and open advice you gave on my last post. I truly believe it helped because you each called attention to the distinct differences in the two photographers we were considering. The more Javier and I talked, the more we realized, while Joyeuse photos are absolutely beautiful, they weren't what we wanted for our wedding pics. The vintage look that Tahni edits with certainly makes her photos romantic, but in the end we decided that we really didn't want that editing style for our day. Andrea's clean and crisp approach really allows you to see how everything was on the day (the good, the bad and the ugly) - but I think that's exactly what we want! We want someone to document the day for us, as is!
So in the end, while cost did matter, it didn't decide for us (which I think is okay). These pictures will be what lasts (besides our wonderful marriage) past the day so we decided that we should get what we really wanted and if it meant skipping out on something later on, we were okay with that!
Here is Andrea and her hubby, Brian (our 2nd photographer for the day). Javier and I really enjoyed sitting down with them for just an hour and are looking forward to continue working with them throughout our planning. (Preview - Andrea will be taking some engagement pictures for us as well - look forward to it!).
Okay, so what did I learn from our photographer finding journey? I'll give you two.
**Advice Alert** Stand your ground.
Now, you don't have to be mean about it, but I think it is okay to know what you want, set some priorities and stick by them. So far, all the vendors we've met with have had a lot of advice. Which is great! They're in this business, they do 30+ weddings a year and the truth is, this is our first (and hopefully last). So its great to have the advice supplied in plenty. However...if you know what you want (and I mean that its a hope above hopes) and a vendor tells you 'you really don't want (that thing you actually really do want)' - you totally have to stick to your guns. Yes, they have more experience, but they don't know you! - and the day is really about you and that other half. We ruled out a photographer because I felt like she kept dismissing some of the options I was asking about, saying 'you don't want that.' Well clearly I do or I wouldn't be asking you how much its gonna, take the advice, but stick with what you want. After all, they'll get to do 29 more wedding this year and you'll still only get your one. They can do it their way for another wedding ;)
**Advice Alert** Negotiate.
Okay, I'm saying it like I'm William Shatner in a Priceline commercial and I am not. In fact, Javier is the negotiator in our house hold. (When he negotiated the price of his bed last year - I was so embarrassed that I went to wait in the car rather than watch the painful process of the back and forth.) I'm a negotiating wuss - which is somewhat odd considering my ability to argue in most other aspects of my life...anyways, I do think that there is some room for negotiating with your vendors for your wedding. I'm personally more of a fan of asking for more stuff at the price the vendor gave rather than straight arguing $$. Anyways, the point is, it doesn't hurt to ask and if you don't ask then you definitely won't get more stuff. Andrea's price was a little higher than what we were hoping for, but we talked with her about what we were looking for and ended up with a package that really fit our needs at a cost we could live with. She told us herself that she was willing to 'work with couples' if she felt like they would be good to work with. So ask, maybe they'll say yes!
Alright readers, two big decisions down (place and someone to take pics of us there)! I think we'll try to tackle food next! Apparently we're supposed to feed you folk if you show up?
Oh! and I'm trying on wedding dresses this weekend :) If they let us take pics I promise to post some rejects next week :)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Strike a pose
So now that Javier and I have finally selected the lands on which we will vow to tolerate each others' poor driving and lack of patience for a lifetime, the next decisions should just be flying into place.... well kinda.
One of the best things about having a wedding in Cville is that it is a super popular place to have a wedding. This means lots of vendors and lots of options. One of the worst things about having a wedding in Cville is that it is a super popular place to have a wedding. This means lots of vendors and lots of options.
Lots of vendors, including photographers (which I think I hinted in my last post was our next mountain to tackle). I bet I looked (and by looked I mean studied) something like 15 different photographers' websites. (And I'm sure I didn't even find all of my options because I stuck to the 'recommended' photographers I found on venue or blog sites.)
I narrowed that down to like 7 or 8 that I liked and then Javs took a look. We got it down to 5 together, then cut out 1 because of $$ and met with 4. We thought it was important to meet with the photographers to talk more about their style and editing process, but also to make sure we felt comfortable with them. I know we are all picture takers (particularly me around 1am on a night out) but taking those formal wedding shots on a day where your nerves are already heightened meant we wanted a photographer who would put us at ease.
I'll tell you now we eliminated 2 photographers after our meetings. Not that they both weren't lovely people - just not the right fit for us. So we've got it down to 2! And in true Javier and Audrey wedding planning fashion....we're having some trouble making our decision...
I know...they're both awesome right. (AND now you have two more fun blogs to follow if you're like me and adding something new to your google reader daily)
So here is our dilemma; we really like them both! We did feel slightly more comfortable with one of them. And of course, the one we liked just slightly more happens to be more $$ (sad face). Nearest and dearest, what do you think? Are they both so beautiful that we're good either way? Should we take the cheaper route? Or is comfort king in this situation?
**They both list pricing on their sites so if you investigate enough you'll figure it out, but we'd love to have your opinion before you check out the costs so you're uninfluenced.
***Please note, that while your opinion is being requested it may end up being absolutely ignored. Comment at your own risk :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
'The public lands are a public stock, which ought to be disposed of to the best advantage for the nation.' – James Monroe
Ash Lawn-Highland!!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Its all about the FOOD!
As you may have noticed there have been no blogs this week. This is because Javier and I have yet to make that ever-so-important venue decision. If we take this long to make all the other decisions that we'll inevitably have to make for this wedding - then our wedding date will be in 2027.
But its Thanksgiving tomorrow! Which may just be my absolute favorite holiday. The food. Its all about the food!
PS - start praying for no home football game next October 13th!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Click, Click, Click
Photography. Its our next conquest.
Whats that you say? We still don't have a date? or venue? - pish posh. (Well actually yes that is true, but we think after this weekend we'll have both!) So we're gazing longingly into the next realm of wedding planning for the joy and excitement that comes with the next steps in the process. And I want some really good pictures of the day :)
I know I keep saying it (and reminding others to say it), 'its just one day,' but in reality it is an important day. And certainly one where the pictures will last. College friend readers, remember when we'd have that epic night where it just seemed that we got some really good pictures. And those pictures would last forever and pop up everywhere. (I'm looking at the Jamie's bday night pic pre-wahooptie on my desk right now. And then that random night when we all wore black and white and took pics in front of the fireplace. I don't even remember what we did that night? but those pictures...they show up...on the frig, in frames on dressers...they're around)
Anyways, I'm sure the rest of you know take a really good pic with your significant other and you want to print it and then make it your FB pic and then maybe your parents want a copy, etc, etc...and then its like this living thing that lasts waaaaaaay more than a day.
That's what these wedding pictures will be. They'll be the thing that can (and will) make this day last for us.
And you guys know me. After college I really started trying to take more pictures. (I think the line in Avenue Q's 'I wish I could go back to college' scared me into it.)
So this brings me to the real reason for my post (which has nothing to do with advice or philosophy) but it is something I'm noticing more and more on the wedding blogs: the awkward wedding pics. They're hilarious and bound to happen (probably to me too), but I'm sure you guys have been noticing them too. Here are two I stumbled across just today.
Tell me that it does not look like this man is handcuffed and being escorted to the altar. Sure he has a big, goofy grin on and that lovely tux complete with little yellow boutonniere, but all I see is an arrest.
And maybe he only stood this way for a second. Heck, his buddy standing up there with him probably only had his hand on his shoulder for a brief 'hey man, this is it' kind of encouraging shake. But captured by that photographer - this moment reads: I'm being forced into this.
Its kind of hilarious.
And this one. There is no way those two girls on the left are looking at anything other than the monstrosity hanging around that bride's neck. That 'look natural, like you're hanging out and smiling at the beautiful bride' turned a little too natural. (cause we all know we'd probably stare at it too.)
Anyways, regardless of the photographer we select I'm sure Javier and I (and our closest friends) are sure to guarantee some awkwardness caught on camera - something to look forward to after the big day.
If you find any good (and by that I mean quality or ridiculous) photos or photographers - feel free to send them my way!
PS - there was apparently a trend to take a pic with the groom peering from under the bride's dress...what do we think? on our 'must click' list?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Bermuda Triangle
Friday, November 11, 2011
Eenie, meenie, miney, mo
For a variety of reasons, we are still in the debating portion of nailing down that date and locale, but I'm learning something through the process!!
**Advice Alert** - Pick the right guy to plan your wedding with.
There have already been more tears and long sighs and 'looks' from me during this planning period than I was hoping for in the entire year. (I was setting my ambitions high.) And the truth is, its stressful. I know everyone says that, but then you get here and my goodness - all those brides were right. (I think I thought if I told myself enough that I wasn't gonna stress about it, that I just wouldn't. You know, a little mind over matter.) But not the case.
Now that being said, I'm lucky enough to have found another being of the homo sapien variety that knows me so well and knows how to handle those rolled or wet eyes when they arrive. As stressed as I've felt, I'm also still having a ton of fun....because I'm doing it with him. And he's fun. And he makes it fun for me.
One of my wedding blogs said this is one of the first major projects you'll work on together which is why it can be particularly stressful. (Javs and I completed a corn hole set with minimal emotional scarring, but I guess that's not quite equivalent to the current project we've undertaken. I think corn hole cost us a whopping $100 -totally worth it by the way.) But in some ways, maybe the planning is a good test. It's going to be stressful - so you'll learn a little bit about how that affects you both and how you handle it together.
Javier has been amazing - reminding me that its 'just one day,' understanding when I do find things that are important to me, giving me space and time to grieve (or vent) over options that just aren't going to work out and being there with new ideas or solutions. I said earlier that I was so happy at how excited he was about starting to plan the day. I know some girls wouldn't mind either way if their boy was into it or not, but its been super perfect for me! And I guess thats my message - if you have the right match for you - it'll work out.
And if you can find someone you can plan with - the marriage part just might be worth it.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Hola! Me llamo Audrey Cabezas...
I figured since Javs' post left so many questions, I should provide our readers with some concrete, down and dirty details (to keep their interest).
I think I'm also supposed to be providing some sort of advice or philosophical thoughts on the blog, right? I mean that's why I'm eating up Style Me Pretty and WeddingBee......and Ruffled and Wedding Chicks...and JuneWeddingBug.... but anyways, I'll start sharing some of the great wisdom I'm sure I'm gaining from this experience :)
I guess our honeymoon came about because of our priorities.
**Advice Alert** - Make sure you and your better half know what your priorities are for the big day and after :)
One of our biggest priorities is family & friends! Javs said it in his post, we're willing to pass on dream wedding venues cause they're too small. Lord knows we have some of the best family and friends around so having everyone show up to celebrate is important :)
Our honeymoon locale did not make the priority list. I mean of course we want to go some place fun, beautiful, relaxing, exciting, etc etc, but there were many places that Javier and I named to fit that bill.
So when Mrs. Cabezas suggested a post-nuptial pilgrimage to the homeland for some Chilean family celebrating - we jumped at the idea! We had already been struggling with how to include this portion of the family in our day without it costing an arm and a leg for anyone. Now, we're going to 1) get to see so many of the Cabezas clan and 2) get to go to an amazingly awesome place for our honeymoon!! We're hoping Javier's cousin will help with some of the planning for a small reception for the family when we arrive! So we'll spend a few days in Vina Del Mar - soaking up some Cabezas love - and then head to some of the volcanoes and lakes for which Chile is known to do some newlywed relaxing.
Priority + family = Chile honeymoon :)
so no venue, no date - but boy are we starting to plan that vacation. What does that say about our priorities....
Hasta la vista!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
You'll Want to Elope
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
A hunting we will go...
...for a wedding venue that is! And I certainly do mean hunting.
Who would have thought that other brides & grooms might have considered Cville in the fall a more than picture perfect location for their nuptial bliss?
Javier and I had talked about getting married/the wedding prior to last week (I know...gasp) so we had already talked about cville being our first target for the big day. After some disappointing calls to some of the top (and by top I mean most well known) wedding venues, we're heading to cville this weekend with a new outlook and new plan. Veritas, King's Family, Pippin Hill (new vineyard), Castle Hill, Panorama and Barboursville (look em up if you don't know them, but don't bother sharing all the oohs and ahhs with me...I know they're gorgeous...that's why they were my first choices) are all booked for every Saturday in September and October of 2012. All. Booked.
I know.
(hence the hunting)
Have no fear, my spectacular spectators. We took a day to mourn (and by we I mean me and by a day I mean about a day and a half) and have regrouped with a new plan. Unbelievably, there are other wedding venues in cville and they are not completely booked for next fall! So we embark on our crusade with open hearts and pens in hand (for signing that contract) this Sunday.
I'll keep you posted, but until then, may the scent of your prey be pungent and the feet of your hounds swift :)